About RLASD » Superintendent's Corner

Superintendent's Corner



WOW - what an amazing and busy last 13 days!

Induction began on Monday, August, 5th for all new professional staff.  It was a great four day session led by a variety of members from our Administrative Team.  I would like to thank Dr. Martino and Dr. Miller for their dedication to this process and really taking an innovative and differentiated approach to onboard and prepare our new staff for the 2024-2025 school year.  

As we officially kicked off the new year, we began with our celebration and district opening this past Tuesday.  Our opening presentation featured the work of our Instructional Innovators, our model for continuous improvement for the district and an uplifting presentation by Dr. Tyler Cook that really resonated with our staff.  

We also introduced our new concept of READY which has been collaboratively developed with staff and administration. This concept moves us to a place and space of preparation so that no matter where students are in the K-12 continuum they are prepared and ready for what comes next!  The morning was jam-packed with positivity, collaboration and new learning for our entire teaching staff!  Although I’m not sure the Bean Boozled Jelly Bean challenge or Hot Takes with Dan and Rob will return for next year, we will have to wait and see!  It was great to see the enthusiasm and excitement for the new year.  WE ARE READY!

The past TWO days have included our summer administrative planning to launch all of our new strategic objectives.  This incorporated our work from our summer retreat as well as defining what success looks like personally and what success looks like for the Red Lion Area School District.  We also talked about what the evidence and artifacts will look like to measure our success.  As we move forward with our instructional innovators, buildings began critical work regarding how all classrooms will develop and implement Standard Operating procedures, Classroom Codes and Visions.

As part of our PBIS and Pride reboot all teachers K-12 were introduced and trained with new information and learning as to how we can continue to improve our culture and climate.  We also began our professional development and training to implement our new mathematics program Into Math and our new K-12 STEELS science curriculum under the leadership of Mrs. Lankford, Mrs. Smith and Dr. Miller.  Also, thank you to Dr. Miller and Dr. Smith for spending a huge amount of time revising and developing our K-12 digital ecosystem and curriculum hub so that all teachers have an easy one stop shop for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment.  

Dr. Martino and I have also made stops at various sports camps and we look to continue those opportunities to visit with our teams and the marching band in the coming weeks as their seasons get started.  We wish them all a safe and successful season.  

And finally as we approach Monday we wish all the students, staff and family a safe, productive school year.  I want to personally thank all of our administration and faculty for the hard work they have put in to be ready for this year and taking on the ambitious objectives we have begun to implement.  I would also like to thank the board for your support and commitment to the vision and journey we seek to achieve as a tema here in Red Lion.  We could not do this work without your partnership and endorsement.  We are excited to implement our new programming and curriculum as we begin the 2024 school year.  We are READY!



Dear Families of the Red Lion Area School District,
The purpose of this communication is to introduce myself to you and your families. I look forward to many future opportunities to connect and meet, but until we have those opportunities, here is a little bit about me and the people who have been a part of my journey. Most importantly, I am a 1998 graduate of the Red Lion Area School District!
Additionally, I am a 2003 graduate of James Madison University as a Music Education major. My musical career presented me with some amazing opportunities to perform all over the United States and even in Greece during the millennium change. Aside from the variety of musical ensembles we had at JMU, I had the opportunity to march in Drum Corps International (DCI) with the Bluecoats from Canton, Ohio.
Professionally, I began my career as a band director and music teacher at the middle school and high school levels in the West York Area School District. I completed my masters degree in Educational Leadership from Temple University and began my school administration career as an Assistant High School Principal at West York Area High School.
I had the fortune of spending two years as Assistant High School Principal at the Elizabethtown Area School District. At that point, I completed my doctoral studies degree in Educational Leadership at Immaculata University and successfully interviewed for an elementary principalship in the Eastern York School District where I served from 2012-2022. Most recently, I have led the Conewago Valley School District as Assistant Superintendent. In addition to my traditional studies, most recently I have had the opportunity to be a member of the Leadership York Class of 2022. With its mission to train and support individuals who have the desire to serve and lead within the York community, this program was a passion project for me and one that built upon my family's deep connection to the educational, non-profit, and service organizations in the York community for the past five decades.
What's my "WHY" for the Red Lion Area School District? Service, education and leadership. These are extremely important values to me professionally as well as personally to our family. Many members on both sides of our family have served in education and within non-profit services in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Indiana and even Costa Rica! As I continue my career in education and leadership I am extremely humbled to have the opportunity to serve our schools and community in a greater capacity. I look forward to building life-long, impactful and powerful relationships within our community based on the foundation of these values. Together, we will continue to make Red Lion a highly-desired community for our families and ensure that it provides a world-class educational experience for our students!
So,-a little bit about me–what do I like to do in my free time? Drumroll please (can't resist a bad drummer joke!)... I still have a percussion studio for a few music lessons and I spend time at the McPherson Tree Farm, which has been a part of my wife's side of the family since 1953. When we are not running around like crazy people for our kids' (Sutton - Class of '28 and Hadleigh - Class of '29) sporting and music events, we enjoy our three English Springer Spaniels; Rosie, Blue and Grizzly. My leisure activities include golf, running, fishing, ice hockey, newly-learned surfing and playing the drums! I enjoy watching all types of sports, but my heart lies mostly with anything related to JMU and WVU. My wife, Gian and I enjoy taking family trips to the beach, traveling for live music, road trips with our kids' club teams and visiting our alma maters for sporting events with extended family.
Red Lion Class of '98